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Autumn Term



Class Dates

9th Sep, 16th Sep, 23rd Sep, 30th Sep, 7th Oct, 14th Oct, 21st Oct, 4th Nov, 11th Nov, 18th Nov, 25th Nov, 2nd Dec, 9th Dec  



Thank you for taking an interest in our Karate club. We hope your child has a great time with us and a lot of fun!


We have 14 places available for students years 1-6. If we are oversubscribed and you have paid we will refund you immediately and put you on the waiting list


You can use the form below to register and pay

You don't need a PayPal account


You can find all our safeguarding and other policies here



If you have any questions or need to contact us please call or e-mail Sensei Jack: 07588 581205

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