Trusted and rated

At the Shoden club we teach the Seiki Juku style of Karate. Our school is the United Kingdom Seiki-Juku Karate Organisation (UKSKO)
Seiki-Juku means ‘True Spirit’
The association we belong to has been running for over 30 years
Head instructor at Shoden club Sensei Jack is 3rd Dan (black belt) Karate and 1st Dan Jiu Jitsu and has 10 yrs teaching experience

Start at any level of fitness and get fitter and more flexible
Learn basic techniques of punching, kicking and blocking. You will progress into sparring and there are many opportunities to compete in points fighting or even full contact
Relieve stress and increase your self confidence and positivity
We put a great emphasis on safety, discipline and the building of confidence
Family classes so parents can join in with their kids